Linn Marie Carlehed
About the Artwork
The Art for Human Rights Movement:
I have had the honour of being given the responsibility of the international "Art for Human Rights association", founded by the pianist Gabrielle Beck-Lipsi and her husband, the architect Hans-Jacob Beck. I have changed it from being an association, but named it "movement" instead, in order to make it more flexible. My goal is to make Art for Human Rights live on as an international movement with the same purpose and in the same spirit as the original association.
This is the gist:
ART FOR HUMAN RIGHTS aims at awareness and advancement of human rights through art. AfHR is independent of any political or religious connections.
AfHR aims for cooperation and networking with other groups and renowned artists with similar objectives. With their aesthetics and their idealism, artists can inspire people, can have a positive influence and can make people concious aware about human rights.
Everyone is welcome in the ART FOR HUMAN RIGHTS movement, as long as they indeed intend to support human rights and the goal and purpose of AfHR with their contributions.
Project Gallery
About the Artist(s)
I was born in Sweden and grew up in Switzerland, where I studied at the art academies in Zürich and Basel. Since childhood, I have had a passionate interest for human rights, which can be discovered in many of my works. During my studies in Basel I founded the international artist group “Artumult” with members from India, Iran, Japan, Nigeria, Colombia, Bolivia, Switzerland and Sweden, to discuss cultural identities through art.
As an art student in Basel, I also met the couple Gabrielle Beck-Lipsi and Hans Jacob Beck, who had started the association Art for Human Rights. This contact was life-changing for me. I became an active member of the association and in 2017, I was asked by Gabrielle if I wanted to take over the association and see to that it lives on. I agreed and here it is, the website www.artforhumanrights.com, built by the amazing web designer Linda Eriksson (www.lindasinvitation.com).
This is the first step towards becoming an international movement for inspiration and support amongst artists and other people who work within the field of the universal human rights.